
More About Me

Welcome to my blog. My name is Mikelle and I am a wife and a mother and I try to count my blessings every day. I started this blog because I really enjoy creating and sharing recipes that are easy, fun, and delicious. It brings me joy to cook, bake, and feed people. Nothing brings people together like good food.

I often feel better about eating foods that I prepare at home because I know exactly what ingredients are used. I've always loved to cook and I grew up with a mother who taught me everything I know. She is a wonderful cook and I owe it all to her! She and my dad always encouraged me to cook, even when I was little. Now that I'm a parent myself I try to make food for my family that tastes good and is also nutritious. I love to experiment and I try not to give up if something doesn't turn out quite right the first time. I hope to share my love for cooking and passion for food through this blog. Enjoy!




  1. Hi Mikelle! I am so glad you found me and now I found you! I am so excited to try out these recipes, they look so good! I miss seeing you all the time in class. At least now I can keep up with what you have been cooking! Oh and by the way, I hung the pom poms for Kinley's birthday using clear packing tape. I just didn't press it too hard to the ceiling so it wouldn't take the paint off.

  2. Hi Mikelle,
    This is going to sound funny, but your mother-in-law just introduced me to your site! (I am her next-door neighbor.) Love your site! I'll be reading it from now on. (I've already started pinning your recipes!) I actually just started a food blog myself. You can find it here: Happy Food Blogging! Maria

    1. Haha, That's awesome! I must say my mother-in-law a pretty great lady! Thanks for visiting. And thank you for sharing your blog with me. I'm excited to check it out.
