Okay, so a hot dog might not be the healthiest thing to eat, but come on! Who can resist a juicy hot dog in the summertime?? Not me, I love 'em. I totally believe that moderation in all things will make me happy! So here is my all time favorite way to eat a hot dog:
My Favorite Hot Dog1 all beef hot dog
1 whole wheat bun
deli mustard
Pile up the hot dog, then devour. Yum, yum, yum!
3 Tips for a better hot dog:
1- Choose all beef hot dogs. It may sound silly, but all beef dogs taste WAY better! They do cost quite a bit more money, but it is definitely worth it! All beef, just trust me. :)
2-Use a whole wheat bun that has some fiber. I love whole wheat and it doesn't really taste that much different. Give them a try, you just might love them.
3-Pack some veggies on your dog! Instead of just plain old sugary ketchup, try tomatoes. Or instead of relish, try fresh chopped cucmbers with salt and pepper. Onions are also a delicious addition! It may surprise you, but veggies are very yummy on hot dogs.
Have fun experimenting with your hot dog! Enjoy.